Monday 18 May 2009

Back again

I was about to start writing a Facebook note and then thought 'Fuck it, I'll write on that blog thing I've ignored for months.' So here goes...

I want to write, but can't get my brain in order enough to do actual work (whether thesis chapters or grant applications). I think I'm just going to throw down a bunch of random shit that needs to be recorded before the memories get squashed by future alcohol consumption.

Friday. London.
  • Scene 6 porn revelations.
  • Creeped out by staring fish.
  • Asshole at LGC who kept yoinking the Montana Gold colour rings when I was still figuring out which numbers we needed, then asking for 'a dark grey'.
Saturday. Bristol.
  • Kids asking for cans, one picking up a crushed cap.
  • Kneepads, coveralls, wet floor signs.
  • Contortions to fight the power of the wind.
  • Cunt of a cabbie.
  • Sitting at The Bell, Adam with one sock off, realising maybe people were out back.
  • Peanut wars, and Cheba chewing his pint.
  • Finding out that Cheba can eat a Snickers in two bites.
  • Damn good cashews.
  • Two San Miguels, two ciders, and a Gold.
  • Downing Rory's wine in one after he seemed to disappear.
  • Finding it difficult to pee when all you can hear is Jer's voice.
  • Sock on a heater.
  • 'Jer just bought me a drink. It would be rude to leave now.'
  • 'He kept the Rolex. Ok, fine. I was the one who had the affair, but still...'
  • The reason why I'm the only one allowed to have a pen.
  • Or cans of paint...
  • Cider! the canvas! and the Mclevey purple elephant looking thing.
  • Finding out Jer's full legal name, and then forgetting part of it.
  • Adam's hand retaining the pint glass grip after Jer had removed the pint glass.
Sunday. Bristol. Weston.
  • A shopping cart full of booze, pizza, and a chicken.
  • Shuffling everything upstairs and spraying Febreze to get rid of the smoke smell we brought with us.
  • Staying drunk rather than getting drunk again.
So there we go. A mind dump for all to enjoy.

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